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PE Class Rules/Expectations

August 25, 2014

Wesclin Physical Education Class



Course Description (9th-12th grade, full year, and ¼ credit)

-This course is designed to improve the fitness of students as they develop skills needed to execute many individual and team sports, along with developing the mental aspect of those activities and how to implement them into a healthy lifestyle.  Students will also learn the importance of exercise and stretching, while working towards a healthy and fit body.



  1. Students are expected to be in the Locker Room when the class bell rings. Students need to get dressed (4 Minutes allowed) and report to squad lines for warm-up/attendance.  6 minutes will be given at the end of the class period to dress.

  2. Treat equipment and facilities with respect (no hanging on rims or nets).

  3. Keep your hands, feet and other objects to yourself.  Horseplay leads to accidents and confrontations which will not be tolerated.

  4. Be respectful to others in your behavior, words, and actions.

  5. Use school appropriate language at all times.

  6. Play all games in the manner that they are to be played.

  7. NO GUM, FOOD, CANDY or SODA allow in the gym or locker rooms unless purchased or provided by PE department..  Water in a TRANSPARENT bottle with a LID will be permitted.  If caught, the item will be disposed of immediately by the student and or a teacher.

  8. Leave your Cell phones, headphones, airpods, etc. in your PE Locker or backpack.  Items are NOT permitted during class time UNLESS permission is granted by your teacher.  Student’s caught with a cell phone, cell phone will be confiscated.

  9. LOCK YOUR BELONGS!  Neither Wesclin High School nor its staff is responsible for lost or stolen items.

  10. Practice good hygiene.  You can NOT wear the same shorts/leggings/pants/etc. that you wore to school to PE class.  Take your uniform home weekly to wash and bring back.

  11. Stay in the Locker Room at the end of the class period until the teacher dismisses you from class.

  12. Backpacks/books need to be in locker room during class.  They can not be left in the gym during class.



  1. GREY WESCLIN PE shirts and BLACK PE shorts are required for PE.   The PE department recommends you put your NAME on your clothes.

  2. Shirts must have seam still attached with no other rips or tears

  3. Shorts must have 6-inch inseam, no writing on the back of the shorts, sweatpants may be worn as long as they are NOT what the student wore to school..

  4. Classes may be held outdoors in the fall and spring, so be prepared daily with a light jacket, sweatshirt, or sweatpants.

  5. Tennis shoes with socks are required.  (no sandals/slip-ons/crocs/boots/dudes)  


Students may borrow a clean PE uniform from the coach’s office if theirs has been forgotten.  It must be returned by the end of the hour otherwise detention will be issued immediately.  If borrowing becomes an issue/excessive it will be handled individually.


  1. Report all injuries to your instructor immediately.  

  2. A STUDENT IS EXCUSED FROM PE ONLY if a note from a parent/guardian is brought to the teacher prior to the class beginning.  The note must have the date, reason for not participating, parent/guardian’s signature and phone number where the parent can be reached.  A note will be honored for (2) Two days only.  Even with a note, the student will still be required to dress and may be required to walk for 30 minutes or complete a written assignment for the day.  

  3. A doctor’s note will be required after two days of parent excuses.  If a doctor’s note is not received, the student will be required to participate.

  4. Students with a medical release from PE may be required to complete assigned written work to take the place of the activity to earn their physical education grade.  Assignment can be daily, weekly or the duration of the injury.  

Example: 1-5 days out = daily article summary

                 6+ days out = longer article/ paper at the teachers discretion.  

     Point value will be based on time missed.


Discipline Code

  1. Possible Verbal Warning

  2. Detention or removal out of class at teacher discretion.


Grading (same as handbook) (Semester & final exams will be given)

  1. Based on dress record, participation, punctuality, performance, attitude, and cooperation.

  2. Students will have an opportunity to earn 5 participation points daily.  Points will be deducted for the following reasons but not limited to:

PE Grading Weight Lifting Grading

  1. Present

1. Present

  1. Dress

2. Dress

  1. Warm Up

3. Participation 

  1. Activity

4. Completing Lifts

  1. Mindset

5. Record


3.   A PE related project will be required in order to maintain grade during medical releases.

4.  For all Unexcused absences, an article review must be written to receive the points for that day.  This must be completed within a week of absence.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the assignment.

5.  A PE related assignment will be required for those students who miss class due to In School 


6.  Unit Quizzes/Vocabulary Quizzes/Content Quizzes



  1. Weightlifting

    1. Physical Ability

      1. Athletic Testing-25%

        • Assessment based on improvement.  Measured by a pre-test then quarterly re-evaluations.

    2. Knowledge

      1. Written Exams-10%

      2. Weight Room Logbook-10%

      3. Weekly Writing Assignments 5% - 10 points weekly to be done outside of class time

        • See Rubric below







Information provided was relevant and of high quality.

Some information provided, but not always relevant.

Information was not present or did not pertain to the topic.


Paragraph had less than 3 errors in grammar.

Paragraph had 3-5 errors in grammar conventions.

Paragraph had more than 6 errors in grammar conventions.


Sources were used and cited.

Sources were not cited properly.

No sources were used or cited.


Paragraph contained more than 10 sentences.

Paragraph was between 6-10 sentences.

Paragraph was less than 5 sentences.


Student used a formal voice that was interesting to read.

Student used an informal voice that was easy to read.

Paragraph was difficult to read.


  1. Affective Assessment-50%

    1. Technique

    2. Effort

    3. Attitude/Behavior

    4. Attendance

    5. Dress/Participation

      • Assessed using the above rubric.



  1. Traditional Physical Education

    1. Physical Ability/Affective Assessment – 80%

      1. Presence

      2. Dress

      3. Warm Up

      4. Activity

      5. Mind Set

    2. Knowledge – 20%

      1. Written Exams – 10%

      2. Unit Quizzes/Mini Lessons – 10%



  1. Each of you will be assigned a locker and will need to bring a lock or purchase one from his/her teacher.

  2. It is your responsibility to know the combination.

  3. Do not share lockers or combinations!!! We will not open the lock except for the owner of the locker.

  4. All belongings including valuables must be locked in a locker during class. Leaving valuables around is 

        only inviting theft. The physical education staff will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.

Class Procedure 


  1. Dress ( 4 minutes) - Report to squad line

  2. Warm Up/Attendance

  3. Lift Weights/Activity of the day

  4. Dress as a group (6 minutes at the end of the hour) – STAY IN THE LOCKER ROOM until bell rings/or teacher releases entire group



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